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Allegation Of Sexual Harasement Levelled Against Me - Dr Samuel Omotoso



A former Vice Chairman, house committee on Education at the 5th Ekiti State House of Assembly,  Dr Samuel Omotoso has responded to a petition allegedly levelled against him.

In a statement made available on social media, the former vice Chairman stressed he's not guilty as he called it a framed allegation.

The statement reads:

1. Today, I heard that a petition has been submitted against me to the commissioner of police on claims on the above allegation. 

2. In as much as this is not a court of law, the impending media blitz intended for the politically motivated APC razzmatazz necessitated this release. 

3. I am not guilty of the framed allegation orchestrated by the principal of Christ Girls school Mrs Esan who we had a bad time together when i investigated her for inappropriate financial allegations when I was the Vice Chairman, house committee on Education at the 5th Ekiti State House of Assembly. The same woman can not hide her disdain for my actions on her in the house when we saw on Tuesday, 27th of April 2021 and everybody present was asking if we had known ourselves before and I said yes. This woman abducted a girl living with my wife from my house without the knowledge of my wife nor of the parents of the girl and kept her incommunicado for 4 days while grooming her for a predetermined end. 

3. I am also prepared to prove my innocence even in the court of law as soon as it is safe for me to do so. Since I cannot understand the role of the Ekiti State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Wale Fapohunda, in the media plans by the State Govt to seriously ridicule me and politically molest me just because of my perceived political affiliation. 

4. The said Mrs Esan, in an attempt to school the 15 year old living but who is disenchanted  with my wife  on house chores, has made the girl to say more than 12 stories within 3 days to the chagrin and embarrassment of the said girl's mother and blood brother who vehemently resisted the lies of their own blood. These include writing and rewriting of statements behind close doors with direct dictation to the girl by co-conspirators of the school principal. We have evidence.

*The same lies that Mrs Esan tried to co-opt the girl's mother into and which the mother  resisted vehemently,  we have the mother on video on this.* 

5. This is a serious politically motivated criminal allegation against me, intended to gag and keep me out of circulation because of the incoming political fireworks in Ekiti State and by His Grace, I will face it and get out of it unscathed. 

6. For records purposes,  I have been alleged of killing Bunmi Ojo of blessed memory in 2018 by these same people, even when the death occurred while I was in far away America on a family holiday, and one boy in the neighbourhood called Joe, who i had helped to secure a job in road safety was tortured for months so as to implicate me but he held on until the last minute and refused to dance to such horrendous tune.  

7. Just as if that was not enough, I was alleged by these same people in a blood thirsty petition and for the same political reasons as above of killing  a colleague in the 5th Assembly, Hon Micheal Adedeji, who was later found of being killed by armed robbers who confessed to the crime. May his soul rest in peace. 

All these are just to take me out politically by some people for political reasons of my affiliation with PDP and Gov Ayo Fayose. 

8. When God saw me through all the onslaught and expensive rigors from the police, civil defence and  DSS on the 2 murder allegations , my private Hospital, Pharmacy and Creche was invaded by EFCC Who Claimed to be acting on instructions from above and sealed up my property without due diligence, which caused me and my family untold hardships,  financial losses and sorrows for doing nothing..

9.  Since all the above are criminally based political persecutions and not based on personal offences or infractions, hence i will still not remove the meat from the latest criminal allegation against me and therefore  I will stop citing further examples of many other political villications that I have suffered from the hands of these same people  in Ekiti State. Like being sued and asked with Lere Olayinka to pay N3bn for a libel allegation that we know nothing about and which was eventually thrown out by the court. Etc. 

Like being suspended from the House of Assembly in October 2018 for doing nothing and chased away illegally from finishing my term in office by the same people.

A case that we took to court and got judgement against the present State govt since Oct 2019 and up till now, the judgement has not being obeyed.   

10. The same girl being used for the latest onslaught was confirmed on Thursday, the 29th of April 2021 by the vice principal of the same school in the presence of their family lawyer and 2 policemen, that she said nothing of such ever happened to her in my house as at March ending 2021 ( a month ago) when the vice principal interviewed her) until the chief strategist herein the principal Mrs Esan abducted her and took over and made the same girl to say more than 12 different stories within 3 days inclusive of  molestation starting several years ago, from the same girl who told the VP 4 weeks ago that nothing like that ever happened to her in my house.

 The principal while schooling the girl on what to say also promised the poor girl that she will automatically become Erelu Fayemi daughter if she stick to the allegations and all her troubles will end, a pronouncement she said many times in the presence of several people. 

11. The girl was available for such get at me desire of some people because of her incessant disagreement with her parents and blood brothers on good behaviours and penchant for inappropriate behaviours with the opposite sex as claimed by her mother and blood brother in video and oral evidences, which my wife and I always condemn the girl for with serious disciplines, a regular scolding that the girl never liked us for and which made her to be looking for all opportunity to leave, which the Principal saw and jumped on to get at me. But she never knew the VP of the same school has correct and up to date voluntary information from the girl up to 4 weeks ago. 

 The pastor of my church directly opposite my house told me he has challenged the same girl on bad and salacious conducts with the security man of our church inclusive of another guy down the street. The pastor just advised me this last Monday at the bible study program to do something on the girl's behaviour before she put me and my wife in trouble. The pastor is alive.  

The mother and blood brother of this same girl also confirmed on video and other evidences the horrible and salacious behaviours of this girl in beer parlours, keeping late nights with male friends, dancing to very loud musics anytime she visit them at home. 

12. The whole evidence of these and others as stated above will be unveiled at the right time. The court is the last hope of a political yet uncompromising opposition member of another party like myself. 

13. The name that I have built for many years is of immense seriousness to me and I will do everything to protect my name and i beseech you to join me in prayers for God to see me through the latest and never ending political webs concocted against me always by these same set of people. 

14. If you havent ever being  alleged falsely of sexual harassment,  please dont rejoice but pray that it never happens to you and your loves ones. 

15. The experience is harrowing due to the public discretion to always belief the accuser first without looking inwards, yet the righteous will not die in the place of the wicked. Amen. 

16. I appreciate your multiple calls and concerns, prayers and emotional support at this critical time.

17. By His Grace as the  very tedious matter unfolds , I will keep you informed, I just wish I can live my private life in peace.

18. I thank you as always. God bless you. 

Hon Dr Samuel Omotoso.  

5th Assembly, Ekiti State.

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