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Yuletide: Illuminating Lives of Children in Slums with Attention and Support


Amid biting poverty that has deprived millions of poor Nigerians of decent accommodation and the failure of the government at all levels to provide social housing and decent livelihood, millions of families with their children found solace in filthy sheds and the noisome environment scattered across Nigeria and other parts of Africa.

Living in the confines of poverty, these children often bear the brunt of neglect and limited opportunities, while the world gets wrapped up in merriments.

Acknowledging these children and recognizing their potential can be transformative. Simple acts of attention, such as listening to their stories or spending time engaging with them, can make a significant difference in their lives. It's about recognizing their humanity and giving them the attention they deserve.

Do you know what it is like to be hungry for a long period? I cannot even remember the last time I missed a meal!

For these children, hunger is a constant companion. It is bad enough for adults, but it is the little children, the innocent ones, who suffer the most. Malnutrition and slow starvation cause stunted physical growth, and serious mental retardation, and leave God’s little ones easy prey to social vices.

Several organizations work tirelessly to bridge the gap before and during the festive season and they become a source of joy and inspiration for these children. Whether through educational programs, access to healthcare, or simply providing a safe space to play and grow, these initiatives exemplify the true spirit of the season; compassion and giving.

Slum and Rural Aid For African Child Development Initiative (SARAFACDI), Chess in Slums Africa (Chessinslums), and several other organisations have continued to work tirelessly towards empowering children in slums. These endeavors go beyond providing material support; they aim to create a nurturing environment that fosters education, healthcare, and emotional well-being. Success stories, projects, and programs below showcase the positive impact of these initiatives.


So, let's also take a moment to extend our thoughts and actions towards those who may need it the most by directing our attention to the children in slums, supporting NGOs and other initiatives at the forefront of this fight, we can collectively contribute to creating a brighter and more inclusive festive season for everyone.

This new year, let's not just celebrate; let's be the change. 

Your contribution can make a meaningful impact not only during this time but can resonate long after the merry seasons are over.


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