Below are the business ideas you can start with 100,000 naira and be successful.
1. Cooking And Delivery Business
Cooking and delivery is a best business to start with 100k in Nigeria. Everybody likes food but not everybody can cook tasty food.
Moreover, nowadays people find it difficult to cook because of their busy schedules. Some families eat processed food which is not good for their health.
If you have the cooking skill and a passion for cooking, you can easily start this business with less than 100,000 naira.
You do not even need to rent a shop for this business, you can cook in your house and deliver it to customers in their homes and offices. You can also cook and sell at a busy junction.
2. Car Wash Business
In this era, the car wash business is one of the most lucrative businesses anybody can start with 100,000 naira.
Nowadays many people do not have the time to wash their cars, some are stressed after the day’s work and some cannot wash their cars well and the only option they have is to take it to the car wash.
3. Selling Of Fairly Used Goods Or Clothes
Another business idea you can start with 100,000 naira is selling fairly used goods and clothes.
Most Nigerians buy fairly used items like gadgets, clothes, shoes, household items, etc. You can purchase these items and sell them both online and offline.
Again, with 100,000 naira, you can start selling thrift wear popularly known as okrika. Plenty of people prefer buying Okrika to brand new clothes.
Moreover, the poor economy of the country has made people buy what they can afford and not what they wish to buy.
4. Laundry Business
This is a business idea that is very lucrative, yet easy to start. Nowadays, people are so busy that washing clothes are not on their agenda, and this has created job opportunities for people.
A good location is important to your laundry business. It is advisable to consider locations in open places with less competition where people can see you easily.
5. Fruit Drink Production And Sales
This is another profitable business to start with 100k in Nigeria, and be successful. A growing number of people prefer freshly squeezed juice without coloring, flavors, and preservatives.
Moreover, people are becoming increasingly aware of the health implication of processed food and drinks, this has made people shun soft drinks to naturally made fruit drinks making this a great business opportunity.
6. E-payment/POS Business
POS (point of sale) business is a cash-making business that has gained serious popularity.
Some people hate queueing in banks to withdraw money, they prefer using POS that is even closer to them even though they are charged a transaction fee.
With 100,000 naira, you can become a banking agent and own an E-Payment outlet. You can get your POS from the bank.
To become an agent, you would need to go to the bank of your choice and do the necessary registration. After the registration, you would be given a POS machine.
7. Popcorn Business
Popcorn business is one of those businesses that are yet to be fully tapped. Popcorn business is self-sustaining, it can make someone wealthy over time when there is consistency and dedication.
Many people love popcorn, therefore you can’t go wrong exploring this business idea.
The business is not stressful, it does not waste time, you can start with a small amount of money, grow and manage it alone at the comfort of your home.
To sell your popcorn very well, you need to target supermarkets, schools, canteen, hotels, stores, eateries, markets, etc.
It is also advisable to position your popcorn machine on a busy road, market, high commercial area, etc for more sales.
8. Mini Importation Business
Mini importation business is one of the best profitable business to start with 100k in Nigeria and be successful.
People are making money importing goods from other countries cheap and selling them expensive here in Nigeria.
You just need to do your marketing right if you want to excel in the business.
Before you venture into the mini importation business, you need someone to guide you, and also, you need to start with the products people buy most. You need to do your market survey before ordering any goods.
You can import from China or any other country depending on what you want to sell. Learn how to start a mini importation business in Nigeria.