Breast can vary greatly from person to person. Size, shape, and colour are traits that are inherited from genes. But through the course of a woman’s life, her breasts will also constantly change and develop.
Breast tissue is made mostly of fat cells, glandular tissue, and ligaments that extend from the collarbone to the underarm and across the center of the chest. Glands called lobules produce milk that women use to feed their new born children.
Sagging breasts
As time goes by, it’s natural for the original shape of the breasts to lose elasticity and droop. This is extremely common but can be a source of anxiety for some women.
In fact, breast “ptosis” — the medical term for sagging — is one of the most common conditions treated by plastic surgery.
Not everyone has the means or the desire to surgically alternative their appearance, but surgery isn’t necessary to begin making positive changes to improve your bust.
There are a variety of natural remedies and lifestyle changes you can adopt to help prevent or minimize the effects of sagging.
The most common cause of sagging breasts is simply the passage of time. Regardless of who you are or what you wear, time and gravity will cause your skin to become weaker and less elastic.
However, young women might experience sagging breasts as well. Aside from the passage of time, there are a number of additional reasons why sagging may occur:
- Multiple pregnancies cause the ligaments that support your breasts to stretch and droop as they get heavier to support your baby.
- Smoking causes skin to lose its flexibility and strength.
- Larger, heavier breasts are more likely to sag over time.
- Extreme weight loss can drastically alter chest shape and breast appearance.
- Being overweight causes the skin and breast tissue to stretch and droop.
- Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays break down collagen and elastin.
- Menopause causes hormonal changes that affect skin elasticity.
- Extreme, high-intensity strenuous exercise can cause connective tissue to break down.
- Certain illnesses, such as breast cancer and tuberculosis can weaken tissue and breast support.
Manage a healthy weight
You don’t necessarily need to lose weight, nor do you need to gain weight. Instead, keep weight consistent, and at a level that’s healthy for you. This may prevent breast sag and make breasts firmer.
Find a well-fitting, comfortable bra
This especially applies to workouts, such as jogging. A sports bra with ample support (molded cups) can reduce breast motion. One study suggests that breast motion from exercise leads to stretching and sagging, though more studies are needed.
When not working out, the same studystates that you don’t necessarily need a bra to prevent breast sagging. In fact, wearing the wrong bra size may have more negative effects than not wearing one at all.
Don’t smoke, or quit smoking
Smoking accelerates the aging process. Aging causes tissues — including breast ligaments — to lose firmness. Smoking specifically speeds aging by destroying elastin, a protein that helps skin remain supple.
Get a hormone test
A drop in the hormone estrogen, which occurs normally during menopause, may be associated with a decrease in tissue collagen. Finding healthy ways to boost estrogen levels (such as with phytoestrogens or supplements) may improve breast shape and form.
Talk to your doctor and get a test before trying to raise your estrogen levels.
Carefully consider pregnancy
Try a pectoral muscle workout
While there are no muscles in the breast itself, you can work the muscles underneath. These are called the pectoralis major muscles. Some workouts target these, and they may give your breasts a little natural lift.