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Presidency Reacts To Shooting At The Presidential Villa


The presidency has reacted to the shooting which reportedly occurred at the presidential villa in the early hours of Saturday June 13. 

Garba Shehu, the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to President Muhammadu Buhari described the incident as a "minor occurrence" which is being used by some critics to justify attacks on the government and the Nigerian leader. 

He stated that the recent incident among the occupants of the State House has led to the arrest of some staff by the police.

The presidential spokesperson noted that the President has acted in compliance with the rule of law by authorizing that proper investigation be carried out into the unfortunate incident which occurred outside the main residence of the President.

He tweeted; 

The Presidency wishes to acknowledge concerns expressed by several members of the public regarding the recent incident among the occupants of the State House which escalation led to the arrest of some staff by the police.

This is to assure everyone that the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, @MBuhari, is not, and was not at anytime in any form of danger arising, either from deadly infections or the reported incident by security personnel which is currently under investigation.

This particular incident happened outside the main residence of the President.

Armed guards and other security personnel assigned to the State House receive the necessary training of especially weapons handling and where they come short, their relevant agencies have their rules and regulations to immediately address them.

Having authorized the proper investigation to be carried out into this unfortunate incident by the Police, the President has acted in compliance with the rule of law.

That a minor occurrence is being used by some critics to justify attacks on the government and the person of President Muhammadu Buhari beggars belief.

In this particular instance, the President says the law should be allowed to take its course.

Presidency reacts to shooting at the presidential villa

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