The Sun Newspaper has refuted earlier report on its platform that Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Umar Ghali Na’Abba, is dead.
The Sun issue a statement denying the claim and making clarification that an intern has mistakenly written the former Speaker’s name rather than that of “Ambassador Umar Ghali who recently passed on”.
The statement read on full: “Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Umar Ghali Na’Abba, is alive, contrary to a report posted on our platform earlier.
“The said false report was posted by our intern, who meant to write Ambassador Umar Ghali who recently passed on; already the said writer is facing disciplinary action.
“We retract the report and apologise to Hon Na’Abba for the embarrassment the report may have caused him. We hold the former Speaker in high esteem and cannot go out of our way to do anything to embarrass him.
“Na’abba who is currently in London, in refuting the report, declared: “For the information of all my colleagues, I’m hale and hearty here in London. I will be back in Abuja as soon as flights are available.”