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HAPPENING: Boko Haram Attacks Yobe Community, Sets Palace Ablaze


Reports  say, Boko Haram terrorists heavily armed are presently attacking Dapchi community in Yobe State, forcing many residents to flee for safety into nearby bushes.

A source, who spoke with SaharaReporters on Monday, said the insurgents attacked the community around 7:30pm and began to fire sporadically at anything within sight.

He said the people were presently running into nearby bushes and the Kumadugu-Yobe River to avoid being killed or kidnapped. 

Another resident of the community said that the town was up in flames with gunshots continuing while the community palace is on fire.

The resident said he narrowly escaped and took refuge in a nearby village, adding that the attack was a major one.

Dapchi was attacked on February 19, 2018 by insurgents, who abducted 110 schoolgirls from their dormitory at Government Girls Science and Technical College.

Also in March, 2020, Boko Haram fighters attacked the town and killed seven policemen.

Efforts to reach the army spokesperson, Sagir Musa, on the latest attack were unsuccessful at the time of this report. He did not respond to telephone calls and a text message sent to him.

More details later.....

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