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Lockdown: Couple Hold Online Wedding, Connect Family Members On Zoom (Photo)


Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and the lockdown directives a couple decided to have their wedding online and give their family members the opportunity to ''attend'' their wedding.

A Twitter user @KiyaniBba, who is the younger sister of the groom, shared the story via her Twitter account. 

She wrote,

''Today was my big bro's wedding. Because of the virus, only the bride, groom and their witnesses were allowed in the room. As the official CTO of my family, I suggested that we set up a Zoom so that our relatives and friends could join us. I present you the first Zoom Wedding.
We had more than 45 people from France, CIV, Netherlands, SA, Calgary, etc. I muted everyone during the ceremony and recorded everything using zoom. People cried during the vows, at the end I unmuted them and all at the same time they applauded and congratulated the newlyweds'' 

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