By Oluwawapelumi Ola
Everybody has a gift and it's important to know what your gift is. One thing is to discover your gift/gifts and another thing is to give it away.
‘Now, to give it away’ means that after you have known your gift, you are supposed to use it effectively by serving both God and man.
Giving your gift away is to give it to God and man. Your gift can attract people to buy in your idea when giving it effectively and seems productive.
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1 Peter 4: 10 says that “each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various form”. We all know that gifts come from only one person which is God Almighty.
We were all born with a gift and in some point of our lives, we are to find the gift and make it known, and for the gift to be useful, we are to use it effectively so that other people will benefit from it.
The Bible says that Spiritual gifts are abilities God bestows on every believer for the common good of the body of Christ.
The spiritual gifts identified are prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and mercy.
It's clear that every spiritual gift is a reflection of God's love that in you. And because your spiritual gift reflects God's design and direction for your life, you'll find great passion, joy, and satisfaction in expressing it.
Discover Your Gift
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Everybody has a gift, an individual who has not identified his or her should try and identify it before it is too late.
There is always a reward for everybody who imparted positively in the life of someone on earth.
The gift of a man might not make way for him, but whatever the case is, he has not fulfilled destiny.
Try to identify your gift early so that you will use it to serve the people on earth so God will reward you.
Glorify God with your gift and make it useful to the people at the same time.
Grow Your Gift
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Every man or woman has a duty to grow one’s gifts, each into fullness, and exercise them in contributing to the needs for others. We need to exercise our God-given talents to encourage others, to build them up, to magnify God’s glory in your daily living.
Unlike other kinds of gifts, a spiritual gift is God-given. Through these gifts, God gives His people the ability to excel in particular areas of ministry in order to serve others and further His kingdom.
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Paul mentioned several spiritual gifts, including wisdom, faith, discernment, teaching, administration, service, mercy, hospitality, and encouragement (1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30; Romans 12:3-8; and Ephesians 4:11).
Any gift that's left unopened or is disregarded is useless. God gives us specific spiritual gifts as the primary avenue for Him to use us in His church to bless others.
Every Christian should watch for opportunities to minister to others, to use their gifts as a blessing and an encouragement to others.
Spiritual gifts are not meant to draw attention to ourselves. God gives them so we can bless and build up others.
In 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, Paul basically says, "If I have all the gifts but do not have love, I am nothing."
Philippians 2:3-4 challenges us to "do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than you”.
I hope you find this useful, kindly share with family and friends